Yesterday, little Maggers took a nose dive onto our "box of books", resulting in a severed frenulum.(5 points if you know what that is.)
Lots of tears and LOTS of blood.
Highlights from the trip:
*Being seen by a 99 year old "doctor". (I am being very conservative with his age.)
* "Doctor" entered our room, checked Maggers chart, then asked, "So, what happened to Rocco?" Then proceeded with, "He's a big little guy."
*Convincing him that "Rocco" was Maggie and that "he" is in fact a she, to which he replied in a puzzled tone, "Really?"
* Explaining that her "tan" is her God given coloring, to which he replied, "Really?"
* Having to explain her tubes in her ears. "Doctor" was surprised to see them and VERY interested in the reasoning as to why I decided to put my nine month old through surgery.
* Sitting through a lecture about the importance of baby proofing ones home.
* Stumping "Doctor" with my "how do you baby proof books?" question at the end of his rant, I mean, lecture.
* "Doctor" telling me that there is nothing to do but "cross my fingers" that her frenulum will attach itself to her upper gum over time.
* Attempting to hide my look of shock while listening to his care instructions of "no suckers, orange juice, or fried foods for the next 72 hours".
* Attempting to hold back my urge to fire back, "She's 11 months old for goodness sake! Suckers? Orange juice? French fries? SERIOUSLY???"
* Waiting for a good twenty five minutes after his departure from our room because the pleasant and helpful nursing staff refused to let us leave due to fact that the "doctor" had yet to release us and would do so when he was done "helping" his next victim, I mean, patient.