Monday, February 18, 2008

I'm Still Here!

I sincerely apologize for not blogging for the past two weeks or so. The following are my excuses:
1. I was sick.
2. Olive was sick.
3. Rob was sick.
4. I was sick again.
5. My "morning sickness" was/is still going strong.
6. We went to San Diego for two days.
7. I was sick again.

Please forgive me. I promise to be a better blogger.


sheena said...

Oh Shawna. I think about you every day (maybe a little more when I was puking too). How do you do it? Is there a secret way to make it more enjoyable?

I hope you are better soon.

Sarah Hull said...

You are forgiven, but very much missed.

Are you guys better now?

Totally Hess said...

Glad you are back! Hope you are feeling much much better!

Cherri Regnier said...

ditto, what megan said.

Hess Fam said...

Yay. I hope you are happy and healthy!

Hess Fam said...

BTW...can I tell you that probably my most favorite part of checking your blog is checking the 'coming soon' link! You are killing me!

Sarah Hull said...

Amen to Megan's last comment. The latest "coming soon" about killed me! That is so dang funny!
miss you.