* our gardening gloves...... CHECK!
* my small shovel.............. CHECK!
* Olive's Hello Kitty tools... CHECK!
* empty pots..................... CHECK!
* dried out potting soil...... CHECK!
* the hose covered in sparrow poop...CHECK!
We were in business!
I laid everything out on the grass in an organized fashion and anxiously awaited the end of her nap. She soon awoke refreshed and recharged. In an overly enthusiastic tone, I unveiled the plan to her.
She loved it!
We got dressed, filled our Shamu souvenir cups to the rim with ice water, buried a paper plate with goldfish crackers, apple slices and string cheese and headed out the backdoor, into the yard.
We plopped ourselves down at our makeshift workstation and began the fun. About 30 seconds later, I realized I had forgotten the best part... I hadn't turned on the hose!
I excitedly shot up, walked across the yard, and carefully turned on the hose to a slight drip (knowing it would be on for at least an hour). While I adjusted it to the right setting, I heard Olive say, "Uh-oh! I looked up from where I was and didn't see anything worthy of an "Uh-oh!". She was standing still at a careful distance directly in front of a medium sized clay pot. However, I did notice that she had ditched her coveted pink Hello Kitty shovel.
Something was up.
With my eyes on her, I casually walked back to our work space and noticed her eyes were fixated on that pot. I changed my gaze in the same direction as hers and was HORRIFIED by what MY eyes were now focused on.....
HOW did this happen????
WHEN did this happen????
WHY did this happen????
This was seriously one of the biggest bugs I have ever seen in my 31 years of bug encounters.
Although my gut reaction was to scream, I knew I needed to stay calm for my little gal. I didn't want to this nasty run-in permanently imprinted in her brain (as it would be in mine). I forced out a shaky "o-o-o-h!", trying to make it sound more like I was impressed rather than repulsed.
It worked.
She looked at me, smiled, and replied, "big bug, mommy. Nice?"
(Pause for 3 seconds)
"Yes, it's nice........ do you want to go inside and have some ice cream?"
The rest is history.
I don't know what happened to the bug, but I do know that all of our tools and supplies are still outside, six hours after the fact, being watered by our sprinklers.
So gross.
Here's the question though. What if it had been on OLIVE? Would you have ran away screaming (I probably would have...) or get it off of her (this would mean you had to actually TOUCH it.)
It's pretty much a lose/lose situation.
I LOVE your stories, and fancy gardening tools.
You have posed a very good "what's grosser then gross" question.
I think I would have screamed at the top of my lungs while spraying her down with the hose until "it" was gone.
Traumatic, but necessary.
Oh Shawna. You need to go to my friend Meg's blog (aaronandmeg.blogspot.com) and see the bug SHE found.
I would have died. But it could've been worse. It could have been a potato bug!
I thought it was going to be a rat and then I was going to run to the bathroom and be sick. I hate rodents. That bug was almost the size of one though... so the scare factor was just as high. I am very, very proud of your calm skills. I think I would have run in the house and made the kids fend for themselves. I feel like we seriously live in the rain forest. I have seen some pretty intense bugs in these neck of the woods.
I just hope it doesn't scare all your guests away tomorrow night. It's going to end up in someones carne asada!!!
Shawna, I love your descriptive tale! It's like I was there...gold fish crackers and all.
The difference here is that in our home (mostly boys) we would have had to catch the bug, examine it, try to feed it and ask if we could keep it! GROSS!!! I get the heebie jeebies, but I've had to fake being "brave" so my boys don't think I'm a wimp.
You handled it perfectly.
And what better remedy than ice cream!?
Hi there...
Very well written! Another 'it could have been worse story'...my friend Autumn saw something in her 10 month old's mouth. She first finger sweeped out what she thought was only a leaf and continued on with whatever she was doing. She then saw him gagging more so she did another finger sweep and to her complete shock, she finds, the biggest beatle..about that size, that he'd been chompin' away on! SICK! Anyway...I WILL be going to Disneland this week...not sure when but someday. Join if you will...or maybe even just a Thursday morn at the El Dor. Library?
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