She is a darling two year old girl. She would love for some generous person to read her books and play with her. You see, she currently resides with her father who is always at work and her mother who struggles with a terrible addiction: blogging. Although her mother is always at home with her, she is far too busy jumping from blog to blog to even wipe the crusted remains of her oatmeal breakfast from her rosy cheeks.
While "unattended", Olive is forced to find fun wherever she can. She jumps in the piles of dirty laundry scattered throughout the house, plays dress-up with mutant cockroaches found in the back yard, and climbs furniture in hopes to catch a glimpse of photographs taken of her and her parents in happier times.
Because she is never clothed, Olive does what she can to be resourceful. She is pictured here wearing a soiled diaper and a Peter Pan DVD sleeve on her ankle for warmth.
Anything you can do for this sweet spirit would be greatly appreciated.
Operators are standing by.....
Please let me know if anyone calls--maybe they'd take know some kind of a 2 for 1 deal.
Why do I feel like I'm reading about ME?! I think dressing kids these days is overrated. By keeping them unclothed, you save money (on clothes) and save yourself loads of laundry (which also helps out the environment by conserving water.)
The dirty diaper also saves YOU, and again, mother earth.
If you ask me I think you're doing GREAT.
I love that you are taking a picture of you daughter dangerously standing on her changing table. Sal one time took a picture of Salvador falling of the bed. Then he proceeded to scream is head off and Sal took another picture. It was quite funny. I swear Olive gets cuter and cuter everyday. You are so good with her! Can we please hang out?
Does she know where to find the rest of the DVD's so when her other leg gets cold she can cover that one up too?
Classic blogging-neglect pictures.
One morning after blogging... I walked around the house to see what looked like a natural disaster! I took pictures of all that happened... but then got nervous about social services seeing the pictures and coming to my house and taking my computer away.... so I didn't post them.
I have a feeling I should delete this blog soon for that same reason, Sarah.
I love it.
This is the week for us to play. I am having better days. Let's plan something.
i miss you
Where are you these days? I miss you. I miss the good ol' days when we would walk every evening.....
Why can't we be friends? Can you please post something? I want to make sure you are still alive and well. I am afraid if you don't post something in the next couple days, I am going to have to drive to your house with the police to make sure you are still alive. See you thursday! I can't wait!!
You promised tonight!
just thinking of you.....hope you're super
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