They are unpredictable and always changing.
These days I am completely ruled by my cravings. Any plans I have for the day like personal appointments, errands to run, children to raise, etc., come second to my cravings.
For example:
I wake up, it's 8:30 am, and I CRAVE a Peach Pleasure from Jamba Juice.
"But wait", my conscience will say. "You have plans at 9 am to go to Costco with your dad. You can't possibly get yourself and Olive dressed and ready to go in time."
So, I call my dad, ask him sweetly and politely if we can meet at 10 am (I like to take my time and slowly savor every last drop of my smoothies) for an unspecified reason (he can't know I'm ditching our original plans for food) which he responds with sincere concern, "Oh, honey, of course", thinking the reason is because my head is in a toilet and will be until 10 am.
If he only knew.
And they are not limited to strictly edible items.
Oh, no sir.
My cravings do not discriminate against other tangible and non-tangible things.
For example:
I CRAVE more one-on-one time with my husband. I want to spend good quality time as a couple.(But not on Tuesdays because it's $1 scoop days at Baskin Robbins and I now have a perpetual date with friends to indulge in ice cream on Tuesdays. And not on Saturday mornings because that is when I go to Mimi's Cafe to eat pancakes with Olive. And not between the hours of 8-9 pm daily, because that is when the Bakker's Cookie kiosk at the mall marks all of their cookie inventory half-off.)
I CRAVE a new maternity wardrobe. There are a few items left over from my pregnancy with Olive that I still like and more importantly, do not have to squeeze into, that I wear everyday. But I am growing by the second and need new comfortable clothes. (I do have the cutest light blue top that my mom gave me for Christmas, but it has a very noticeable chili stain on the front of it from when my family and I had "chili dog night" for dinner.)
I CRAVE some alone time. I just want to leave my house with just my wallet and Carmex in tow, go to Seal Beach, walk around a bit on the sand, breathe the ocean air, and maybe treat myself to a manicure and pedicure on Main Street. (There is a Hennessy's Restaurant next to the nail salon that serves the BEST turkey burgers with the yummiest french fries. And I LOVE their bottom-less lemonade.)
Now, I KNOW that YOU, the reader of this blog, can relate to or somewhat understand CRAVINGS. So, I invite you to share with ME (and my audience of about 4) all of your current CRAVINGS, which includes but, is not restricted to, food. I think that this will be a nice outlet for all of us. In fact, I may even make this a weekly blog entry so we all have a place to vent, share, or even inspire, if you will.
So, without further a do,